Mikva Be'er Rachel is designed to provide the Upper Montgomery County Jewish community with a spiritually uplifting and relaxing mikvah experience. Experience the beauty of this special Mitzvah in the privacy and intimacy of a tastefully decorated Mikvah. Our Mikvah is flawlessly maintained, fully equipped, and beautifully appointed to make your visit a pleasurable one.
The Mikvah is open to married Jewish women and brides of all backgrounds, affiliations, and levels of observance.
Our Mikvah attendants provide warm, caring, individual attention for every client.
The Mikvah also offers pre-marital counseling for brides and educational programming related to Jewish family life.
Mikvah Be'er Rachel is available for women every evening by reservation only. To make an appointment to use the Mikvah, please contact Mrs. Chana Raichik by texting to 301.537.0068 or emailing [email protected]. All information will be kept strictly confidential.